Whether indoors or out, a living wall can dramatically enhance its surroundings and provide a real wow factor. The design options are pretty much endless meaning each one is a bit different from the next, and therefore unique.

So let’s assume you have set your heart on a living wall either at your home or at work – surely something so intricate and design intensive must fulfill complex criteria before installation can even be considered? In fact, this is not the case at all. Providing there is wall space available, vertical gardens can be created pretty much anywhere!

Vertical gardens can be an excellent use of space, can conceal visual blemishes and spectacularly enhance any public space. The planting options are broad so you can afford to be really creative. Plump for colourful flowers, lush foliage or different types of grasses; you can even design the plantings into letters, images or logos. For the grow-your-own enthusiast, vegetables, herbs and small soft fruits such as strawberries can thrive.

Once the design and plantings have been finalized, your vertical garden can be built. An entire living wall is made up of individual modules that are installed onto a specially prepared surface via fixing rails. Here at Viritopia, the production of your living wall begins in our nurseries where the modules are hand planted by our team of horticultural experts. The modules remain on our nurseries for the time it takes for the planting to become fully established – this is vital to the wall’s longevity. When the modules are ready your living wall can be assembled by our dedicated installation team. Living walls are fed via a drip irrigation system, and in the case of outdoor creations, stored rainwater can also be used as nourishment.

Your vertical garden will require maintenance to ensure sustainability – a service we offer at Viritopia (plus a 10 year warranty) – but the basis for your very own living wall creation really is as simple as outlined above. All that you, and those around you, need to do now is bask in the enjoyment of being so close to nature.

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Viritopia Living Walls receive a Fire Safety Standard

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Viritopia Living Walls receive a Fire Safety Standard