Benefits of Exterior Living Walls

Regulation & Planning

Living walls can aid compliance with regulatory requirements surrounding green infrastructure, such as UGF, BNG and local government policies.


Bring significant biodiverse value with native planting, sources of nectar and food. Plant palettes are tailored specifically to meet the project objectives.

Air Purification

Plants clean the air through photosynthesis and soil assists in capture of particulate matter. You can also select species that hold air purification properties.

Investment Value

Biophilia proves that people are drawn to more natural spaces, which in turn returns the value of investment, and creates stronger future investment opportunities.

Your Guide to Living Walls

View specification

Intensive soil

looking up at a living wall with foliage and purple flowers

Offering the ultimate benefits for the environment, alongside providing the best coverage. You also have huge design scope with this more intensive living wall system, with a large variety of plants to choose from to form your final design.

Facade planter

a timber and planted facade building

Whilst providing less coverage and design scope than our original soil-based intensive living wall, the Facade Planter system is a cost-effective alternative that is quick to install, allows for ventilation and provides good air purification benefits.

Exterior Living Wall

Why the Viritopia Exterior Living Wall

Biodiversity Gain

Using a natural substrate means we have greater flexibility in plant selection, allowing for native species, pollinator planting and sources of nectar. This creates a habitat for bees, burrowing insects and encourages natural colonisation, whilst enabling BNG targets to be met.

Design Scope

The modular build-up allows you to integrate into complex structures such as curved facades or around windows. Also, soil gives you huge scope for creative design: you could include spring bulbs, wildflowers, shrubby plants...

Top Fire Rating

We’ve achieved the highest possible fire rating for a living wall, which means our living wall system can be integrated into nearly all buildings. Take a look at our guide in our Reports section which makes the regulations around fire and greenery a lot clearer.

Dense Coverage

96 plants per m² means dense plant cover, and with the module designed to allow root migration, the plants grow healthily with a longer lifespan.

Featured case study

Deansgate Metrolink

The stop now offers a pleasing, modern gateway to the south of the city. With trees, a living wall and sedum panels teeming with wildflowers between the tram tracks, it’s an oasis right in the heart of Manchester.

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Deansgate Metrolink

Featured case study

The Mailbox

A massive transformation for Stockport's former sorting office.

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The Mailbox
The Mailbox

Featured case study

University of Leicester

The building has a large green wall as well as a green roof and a ground level planting scheme to attract wildlife to promote bio-diversity and pollination.

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University of Leicester

Featured case study

Stockport Town Centre

Viritopia worked with George Cox on the green infrastructure aspects of the project, which involved a living wall spanning part of Bridgefield St.

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Stockport Town Centre
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Living Wall

The natural lush greenery perfectly complements the urban backdrop of the Mailbox and offers visitors an oasis of calm in a busy city centre. Viritopia was great to work with – the team understood our vision and requirements from the offset and met these with enthusiasm and top quality service.

David Pardoe

Head of marketing, retail and tenant engagement at the Mailbox

Looking for a consultation?

We consult on and help to establish schemes that are environmentally high performing and regulatory compliant.

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Answering everything there is to know about Exterior Living Walls