How can a living wall set your next development apart?

Whether you’re planning a new development or one of your existing buildings is starting to look slightly drab, living walls can set your portfolio apart.

Urban greening is the future and forward-thinking developers and businesses are getting ahead of the trend now.  Living walls are an opportunity for businesses to present their brands commitment to sustainability with a visual statement. They are also a space efficient way for property developers to satisfy planning conditions relating to green space while maximising a plots potential. 

Living Walls for Proprietors

Things to consider

Return on investment
Return on investment

Living walls might be a reasonable investment compared to traditional cladding systems, however they can pay for themselves.  One example is an Aveda Salon in Dublin which is positioned beside a large hotel. The hair and beauty salon was struggling to be noticed and was not getting enough footfall. Following the installation of the Viritopia Living Wall they noticed a 40% increase in sales over the following year and put it entirely down to the living wall making them stand out.

People pay more for a pleasant space with greenery.

Maintenance and running costs
Maintenance and running costs

Just as landscaping on a horizontal surface require care, maintenance is essential for a living wall. The cost is actually comparable to traditional landscaping per m2 although there may be additional costs incurred for access depending on the design of the living wall. For example a tall living wall may require a scissor lift or cherry picker for maintenance access once or twice a year.

As we provide maintenance we can provide an accurate quotation for annual maintenance prior to installation.

Branding opportunity 

Many companies have become more aware of their corporate social responsibility in recent years and part of this is a commitment to sustainability. These commitments can be expensive and risk going unnoticed by consumers. One case is Marks & Spencer who have many proactive measures to reduce their impact on the planet and consumers. We have installed many living walls for M&S over the years which help them raise awareness amongst their consumers of the commitments that they do make to the environment. 

Our partners

Trusted by some of the biggest brands around the world

Working on some high-profile projects where failure was not an option, we were the preferred partners for multiple well-known brands, some of which we've worked with multiple times.

Marks & Spencer

Companies we've worked with








Jaguar Landrover


Barker & Stonehouse

Zoopla Property Group

University of Cambridge


Crystal Cruises

National Grid

T Mobile

Ritz Carlton


The Body Shop

The living wall is fantastic, the natural lush greenery perfectly complements the urban backdrop and offers visitors an oasis of calm in a busy city centre. Viritopia were great to work with; they understood our vision and requirements from the offset and met these with enthusiasm and top quality service.

David Pardoe

Head of marketing, retail and tenant engagement at the Mailbox

Featured case study

London Wall Place

This extensive scheme is transforming the historic London Wall and creating a thriving new business quarter and public amenity space.

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London Wall Place
London Wall Place

Featured case study

M&S Newcastle

The Viritopia Living Wall system has been proved by M&S as being the most sustainable, boasting very little water usage and an organic substrate.

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M&S Newcastle
M&S Newcastle

Featured case study

Fitbit Office

The Viritopia Living Wall system was chosen for its modular design and long lasting impact (with maintenance in place the living wall should last forever!).

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Fitbit Office
Fitbit Office

Featured case study

Nandos Cambridge

Viritopia were delighted to install this living wall for Nando’s, working with the sign team to create a huge living billboard on the side of the eatery.

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Nandos Cambridge
Nandos Cambridge
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Your top 20 living wall questions, answered

Contact us for:

  • Tailored project support and design recommendations
  • Site survey and consultation
  • Full quotation for entire living wall process
  • Tailored project support
Living Wall for Proprietors

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