A massive transformation for Stockport's former sorting office

Converted into over 117 apartments and 15,200 sq. ft. of commercial, office and retail space over the first two floors, Stockport’s former sorting office has undergone a massive transformation.

Watch the video featuring Nigel Rawlings, CEO of Rise Homes, here.

Featured Solutions:

  • Exterior Living Wall

Size:     1190m²

Industry:     Commercial Building Facades & Carparks

Project Drivers



Social Impact

A growing Living Wall

The development of sustainable residential property

Rise Homes (formerly Housing Capital Property) has specialised in the development of sustainable residential property all for rent since 2012. The company has developed over 900 houses and apartments across six schemes in the North of England, has developed five biomass district heating systems, and its Tribe Apartments scheme completed in 2015 won the prestigious global award for a residential scheme from BREEAM.

Living Wall

Environmental, social and corporate governance

Priding themselves on ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance), Rise Homes decided they wanted to include a living wall on the facade of the building in the initial designs.

Living walls in may

Circular Economy

This refurbishment project is a great example of Circular Economy in practice, where the existing structure has been worked with to produce the finished result.  Instead of demolishing, the architect has worked on enhancing the original core structure, limiting impact on the environment and producing a inspiring example of urban greening in practice.

the mailbox refurbishment project with living walls

114,500 plants, at least one birds nest

We worked closely with Mosaic Town Planning, Stockport City Council, Pozzoni Architects and Elder Lester McGregor to complete the urban greening scheme, which involved not just one but 14 different living walls over 4 elevations.  At 1190m2 there are 114,500 plants that wrap around the building!

Birds nest eggs and baby birds