Eight Members’ Club is an exclusive city club that provides a refuge for members – as well as exhibitions and events – for two clubs, in Moorgate and Bank. The external dining, socialising and smoking area at the Moorgate/Bank club on Dysart Street EC2/Exchange Alley EC3 is dominated by hard landscaping and is in need of a more welcoming ambience. Areas featuring plants are proven to reduce stress, increase positivity and improve mood, so green walls were an obvious, cost-effective and low-maintenance way to soften the surroundings, affirm that feeling of exclusivity and contribute to the wellbeing of members.

We’re installing 23m² of living wall across two facades of the external space, one by the main window and the other facing the first directly. We’ve chosen shade-loving species, including ferns, hedera, wild strawberries and – given the proximity to the club kitchen – some herbs, including thymus vulgaris. The walls have now been completed, much to the enjoyment of the members, who’d been peering through windows, anxious to enjoy the transformed space.

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An instant paradise in the city

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An instant paradise in the city