Living walls are beautiful, but just like children, pets, cars or houses they require looking after. Thankfully a living wall doesn’t need anywhere near the same level of maintenance as a 5 year old or even a Porsche!

Key Living Wall maintenance considerations


Living walls are often referred to as Vertical Gardens and for a good reason, because that is exactly what they are – they are gardens that grow on walls and consequently require much the same sort of care as a normal garden. As any good gardener knows one of the key ways of maintaining thriving plants is by ensuring the plants are watered correctly. From time to time it is important to check that all aspects of the irrigation system are functioning including timers, filters, valves etc.

At Viritopia we have taken all the hard work out of maintaining irrigation. All our living walls are constructed using a patented modular design with a fully automated irrigation system. Meaning that you get to enjoy beautiful healthy plants without getting your hands wet!


This is not always an immediately obvious consideration but we do advise that you think carefully about where you situate your living wall. Maintenance will be necessary from time to time and depending on the size and location of the installation, anything from a ladder to a scissor lift will be necessary. Again our experts are always available to advise on exactly what type of access will be needed.


Whether the living wall is indoors or outdoors it is important to check that there is no water collection building up as a result of clogged drainage. Check for organic matter such as dead leaves, soil, and mud and also check for public litter, which can also build up over time.


No living wall plant is static. As a living organism it is subject to the same laws of nature that we are and consequently the plants in your vertical garden will need attention. Check for leaf damage, disease, dieback, and any dead foliage. This will give you some idea as to the health of the plants. Some weeding may be necessary for external plants and some interior plants may also require dusting.


Plants on a living wall require specific light conditions. Some require shade others direct sunlight. Getting this right at the start of installation is essential and consulting a company that specialises in vertical gardens can save an awful lot time and money. At Viritopia our experienced team of horticulturalists will provide all the expert advice to create a living wall that is perfectly suited to the light levels available.

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