The Royal Horticultural Society recently selected several Green Walls, which it felt were good examples to take inspiration from. We’re proud to say that two of these projects were designed, produced and installed by Viritopia.

The Westfield Shopping Centre project was conceived and constructed in 2009 and was until recently the largest Living Wall in Europe. The wall consists of 3 separate panels, two of which incorporate advertising billboards. You can see examples of some of our beautiful living wall advertising hoardings in our gallery.

This Green Wall was installed in May 2009 and is a wonderful example of column block planting. The wall is 256m2 and has a fully automated irrigation system. The wall not only provides a beautiful spectacle, but also serves to separate a parking area from one of the main entrances to the arena.

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How green roofs play an important role in creating healthy cities

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How green roofs play an important role in creating healthy cities