Viritopia has recently launched a brand new living walls brochure. The new piece of literature is aimed at providing masses of inspiration to architects, specifiers and businesses that are looking to set their project apart by incorporating sustainable architecture.

Any vertical space can be transformed into a living wall of plants. As well as introducing greenery into cities, living walls can disguise eyesores, whilst adding stunning visual impact to any public space both indoors or out. The walls are also great for wellbeing while helping reducing noise levels. They also have a great ability to help filter pollutants too.

Viritopia’s new brochure demonstrates its vast and varied experience in the market by highlighting its proven track record of successful projects from around the globe; these range from leisure and retail to airport and office space projects. Each case study overview gives a background of the project, an overview of the scope of works as well as a comment from the client. This is accompanied by a selection of inspiring images to help those specifying visualise the possibilities available with living walls. In addition, the brochure provides information about Viritopia as an organisation and the benefits of sustainable architecture.

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The living wall market is on the up

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The living wall market is on the up