As many of us are working at home we're realising how important human interaction is in keeping us sane!  That's why we're reaching out to architects, designers, planners, researchers and anyone with an interest in green infrastructure and sustainable design with our new live online CPD events. 

Supporting this big shift in how we live and work, these are designed so you can join from your mobile or laptop on a day that suits you and be a part of this inspiring and interactive presentation.  

We don't need to stop or halt our progress because of our circumstances.  Keeping ideas flowing and learning new things is a healthy and productive way to keep positive and stay connected. 

Focused on The Value of Sustainable Green Infrastructure in Architectural Design, we'll be discussing the revival of biodiversity in our urban areas and creating healthy happy spaces through sustainable architecture, exploring the reasons behind why incorporating biophilic and biodiverse design into a project is so valuable, including a practical insight into the systems and our process.

Let's support each other and keep learning. 

Look forward to seeing you there!

Live CPD session details are now held on a more recent blog post.  Click here or the link below for more details...

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The Perils of Indoor Air Pollution and How To Combat It

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The Perils of Indoor Air Pollution and How To Combat It