Staff, client and colleague's health is our priority at all times and with the recent outbreak of Covid-19, we have adapted how we work to minimise the risk of spread and infection and keep as healthy as possible.

All staff have been given guidance on hygiene and on what Viritopia is providing to enable a cleaner and safer working environment.  All remote workers, like our installation and maintenance teams, have been given anti-bacterial gel and wipes with advice on keeping contact to a minimum to reduce the chance of spreading any potential infection.

Office-based employees have been advised to work from home as much as possible, and any face-to-face appointments, meetings and CPDs have been re-arranged to be held online via Zoom.  If any member of staff is showing general cold/flu symptons, they are strongly advised to remain at home.  All staff have access to resources that allow them to work remotely.

Strict guidelines are in place if we have a suspected or confirmed case within our team.  We are continually updating our internal guidelines and preventative measures as we learn more about the virus and what we can do to help prevent the spread.


Eat well, exercise and go reap the benefits of nature as much as possible.  We trust you stay healthy and well!
If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call on +44 (0)1243 545818.

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The Importance of Making Schools Healthier: For Our Children and the Environment

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The Importance of Making Schools Healthier: For Our Children and the Environment