CHP, a Chelmsford-based charitable housing association, wanted to make a strong green statement. Part of this was for the benefit of visitors – residents and stakeholders alike – while the organisation’s staff wanted to see real life and colour in their new offices.

We designed and installed 8 LiveArt panels, moveable living partition screens and some moss walls for the reception area, depicting a row of houses. Everything was prefabricated and planted up off-site, and then installed on-site over a single weekend, ready for the opening of the new workspace.

The LiveArt panels are fixed installations, planted using a preserved moss system. With no growth or decay, there’s no need for irrigation or maintenance, which means the terrace design will retain its colours, shapes and textures for years ahead.

The living screens were installed to introduce live planting into the open plan office space without having any permanent fixtures – so that the space can remain flexible. This way they can be moved around and provide excellent partition walls – perhaps even better than the standard partition wall because plants are known to absorb sound.

We’re told that ‘Staff are very impressed and it has definitely increased their morale levels’. That’s great news. What’s even better news is that interior planting in the workplace has proven health benefits for employees – better air quality, more energy, better concentration levels, better temperature control – as well as knock-on benefits for the organisation itself in the form of increased productivity, happier teams and staff taking fewer sick days.

In fact the installations have been so well received that CHP is already thinking of adding a permanent living wall next year. Watch this space…


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How long does it take to grow a green wall

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How long does it take to grow a green wall