You don’t get much greener in concept than a recycling centre.

Our latest contract is particularly apt. Ursvik Council has appointed us to create a living wall to decorate the wall of the recycling facility, provide essential sound insulation, achieve the necessary environmental credentials and really reinforce that green message.We’re really rather in awe of the way the centre works; forget recycling trucks – here the centre ‘sucks’ the recyclable materials straight from around 800 local houses via an underground vacuum system. We’re honoured to be part of such an advanced and futuristic sustainability system.

If you are trying to deliver a remarkable experiance to the guests that visit your venue, living walls can be a great way to stand out. Whether you run a restaurant, a public house or a cocktail bar it’s important to make your visitors enjoy their visit enough to recommend you.

This living wall provides a healthy backdrop to the restaurant seating area
Consider installing a living wall with herbs growing in it so bartenders can interact with the wall and use the herbs in their cocktails.

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We were at Grand Designs live in May

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We were at Grand Designs live in May