This year has been a great year for urban greening all over the globe.  The green agenda is on the increase in the UK with the Mayor of London planning to make more than 50% of the capital's area green by 2050, making it the world's first "national park city" by 2019.  We’ve had a busy year installing living walls in the UK and around the globe, here are five of the best.

We’re seeing more and more living walls on car parks, and for good reason: the greenery helps to disguise these potential eyesores, but also helps to absorb the pollutants from the vehicles that use the space.  Over the years we’ve completed projects like National Grid Carpark in Warwick, Marks & Spencer in Cheshire Oaks and now this year we completed Granta Park in Cambridge.

Another sector that has really embraced living walls is higher education. It makes lots of sense to give students a better learning environment with more green space.  We’ve seen Universities such as Cambridge, Leicester, York, Kent and Liverpool use living walls in the past and this year we’ve worked with Blackpool and The Fylde College.

One of our largest projects this year which is adding an acre of landscaped amenity space to the City of London.  We worked on designing the living wall, selecting a bespoke planting palette that includes native plants that have populated the historic London wall, since then we’ve planted and established the living walls on our nursery and installed the vast majority on site.

We enjoyed the creative result of this living wall featuring Nando’s branding with neon tube lights.  The living wall complements Nando’s unique restaurant design as well, we have worked with them before at Aylesbury and Newport. We always like adding branding to our living walls to present brands in a green way.

This temporary living wall in London was part of a very innovative scheme, looking to transform London’s west end.  The scheme combined a range of new technologies aimed at making London greener, such as paving that generates electricity from foot traffic and benches that clean the air of pollutants. 

We’re excited for 2018 too, it already looks like we will be working on a lot of exciting living wall projects.  Our offices will be closed from 4:30 Thursday 21st December until 7:00 Tuesday 2nd January. Have a great break and we look forward to a green 2018!

Airports are a great place to make people feel valued – from lounges to entertain VIPs, to entrances that welcome both guests and visitors – go beyond all expectations with a living wall.

In sharp contrast to the low air quality onboard planes, a living wall will filter pollution and breathe fresh air into any airport.

We’ve installed living walls worldwide and find that a sleek and modern design really puts the finishing touch to a lounge, whereas a carefully designed mural welcomes passengers as they disembark.

We use a variety of plants, from domestic to tropical, to create a real wow factor for visitors and locals alike.

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How Does an Indoor Living Wall Plant Survive?

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How Does an Indoor Living Wall Plant Survive?