The use of greenery in architecture is nothing new, people have been incorporating plants into their building design since the 1930s. Green walls are already a popular feature in many urban settings, but with an increasing emphasis being placed on sustainable building, eco green roofs are an attractive solution for innovative designers and architects of both residential and industrial spaces.

A green eco-roof is a living roof used in place of conventional roofing materials such as concrete tile. The underlying structure must be tested to ensure it will support the weight of a green roof, but once in place, a green roof is aesthetically pleasing and environmentally friendly. For a homeowner or business looking to reduce their carbon footprint, a green roof is a great choice with many benefits beyond health and well-being including reduced taxes.   

Different Types of Green Roofs

There are many different types of eco green roofs ranging from a simple sedum green roof to a bespoke design that incorporates a company logo. There are many types of planting schemes and vegetation which would be suitable for use on a green roof. Sedum is the most common, as it’s capable of withstanding most weather conditions and aspects, whereas wildflowers are often used to provide a touch of colour but need to be placed in a suitable environment.

Viritopia offer 4 Grufekit systems giving a breadth of options and planting schemes to account for the global differences in temperature, rainfall, sun and conditions.

We offer bespoke green roof systems tailored to your environment, from desert to forest. There are seasonal wildflower sedum roof tiles providing colour and interest seasonally or the sedum and wildflower green roof tiles to give maximum diversity all-year round. Lastly, we offer a popular evergreen green roof tile option.

The best designs incorporate seasonal growth to provide an all-year-round display of greenery and colour.

Modular Green Roof Kits

Modular kits make a green roof installation incredibly simple. Plants are grown in a specialist nursery and transported to the site in lightweight modules. Once in position, the modules need no irrigation as rainwater does the job perfectly. It is a simple, yet highly effective system. These modular systems are offered as DIY options throughout the UK via retailers or installers. Just ask for a Grufekit Green Roof kit.

Benefits of a Living Roof

There are many benefits of green roofs.

  • For a homeowner, modular green roof kits are very easy to install and require no specialist assistance.
  • Green roofs are aesthetically appealing, especially in an urban environment. When viewed from above or a distance, a living roof is far more attractive than a grey flat roof. You may even find that your property is worth more thanks to your new green roof.
  • They boost biodiversity and support a variety of different birds, insects, and animals.
  • Air pollution is a big problem in urban environments, where there is little space for plants and trees. Green roofs improve air quality by filtering out harmful pollutants, dust, and allergens.
  • Green vegetation is also an excellent sound barrier and installing a green roof in a commercial public space will reduce noise levels by up to 10 decibels.
  • An eco-friendly green roof is a perfect addition to an existing flat roof. Once installed the plants provide additional structural protection and will considerably extend the life of your roof.
  • A green roof is a low maintenance installation, although you are free to trim the roof if desired. Eco-roofs do not need any kind of hydration system, as drainage mats used in a green roof installation retain rainwater.
  • Planning authorities love sustainable building developments, so including a green roof in the overall design is likely to win favour with your local planning department. Green roofs will also improve BREEAM buildings ratings.

A roof is often wasted space, so why not make the most of your roof by turning it into a sustainable eco-system?

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What Are the Benefits of Indoor Living Wall and Green Wall Systems?

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What Are the Benefits of Indoor Living Wall and Green Wall Systems?