Green infrastructure in Germany

Germany is renowned for its energy efficiency efforts so it’s little surprise that nature-based infrastructure, including living walls, is quickly gaining popularity.

The ability of nature-based solutions to improve energy efficiencies, and the vast benefits for the environment, economy and local communities are becoming more well-known. Government efforts to support sustainability have quickly spread to commerce and industry, where urban landscaping forms a way for brands to show their support for all things natural.

Living walls have become a firm favourite in Germany, where the benefits of vertical landscaping in urban areas where there is limited space have been brought to the fore. Data centres have emerged as a huge opportunity for greening in Germany, with large windowless facades and flat roofs where different greening solutions can be integrated.

Berlin, Germany

Get in touch

If you're looking at a living wall project in Germany, our Sales Director, Scott Anderson is the person to speak to.  He'll be able to introduce you to our partner and get the ball rolling.

Scott Anderson
Contact via LinkedIn Viritopia - Germany