Project Background

A wall once described as the ugliest wall in Wiltshire has been transformed after local groups and Bradford-on-Avon Town Council raised funds to bring life to the bare, dirt-stained wall.

Stephanie Edwards, a local resident, kick-started the project in 2019 by bringing her idea to the Town Council, as a way to help mitigate air pollution in the town centre.

Whilst Stephanie admits that gaining funds for the project was a struggle, she says the finished product is a “great success” and well worth the process: “I realised that the centre of this town was so beautiful, with its café culture, but there was this grim wall. Apparently, it was known as one of the ugliest walls in Wiltshire.”

Featured Solutions:

  • Viritopia Living Wall Systems (Exterior)

Project Drivers

Social Impact


Air Quality

What used to be 'the ugliest wall' in Brad-on-Avon

Funding the change

Local groups of Wiltshire crowdfunded £2,800 to help change the face of the wall and improve the space, with the council making up the difference.

"Funding for the Living Green Wall was extremely difficult during Covid. I approached Councillor Alex Kay to support this initiative and she actively engaged the Town Council and thanks to everyone involved the project has been a great success."

Chair of the Environment & Green Spaces committee, Councillor Alex Kay said: “With the addition of the living green wall, Bradford on Avon is making further strides toward becoming a town which can be held up as eco-friendly and eco-conscious.

“I hope the whole community – residents, businesses and visitors will look on at this wall, smile and think ‘what can I do greener today?’"

Now with the living wall installed, it is quite the opposite to ugly!

Bradford-on-Avon wall

Supporting new habitats and air quality

Being in a high traffic area, the air pollution is high, so one of the driving purposes behind the planting was to improve the local air quality for the community.

Using over 3,500 plants, it is not only improving the air quality, but providing alternative ecological habitats for local wildlife.

Bug hotels, seasonal planting and bird houses were all included in the designs, making it the perfect space for nature to make a home.

"Already the plants have brought with them bees and insects, and we've had a couple of birds sitting up there so it's working for sure and we must not forget the health and wellbeing benefits", Stephanie noted within days of installation.

Children standing by living wall

Installing the green wall

A great photo of three of the team: Francisco, Ram and Mike. This living wall was installed using a scissor lift.

installation team holding a planted green wall module

Irrigating the living wall

Each row of modules has an irrigation pipe fitted, which means that the soil and planting across the whole wall can be kept consistently moist. This automated irrigation system allows us to monitor moisture levels and change the application of water when necessary.

fitting an irrigation pipe onto a wall

Fully established planting

The living wall had been in the planning since 2019, with time taken to bring it to the town council and crowd-fund the amount needed.  Being in touch early meant we were able to grow and establish the living wall for a while before installation.  This meant the residents could appreciate the lush green living wall immediately on-site!

Viritopia installation team putting living wall up