Client Background

A stylish outdoor shopping centre in Essex, Braintree Village wanted to improve the shopping experience of their visitors, involving two natural living walls.


  • 63m²

Featured Solution:     Viritopia Living Wall System (Exterior)

PM (particulate matter) captured:     81.9 kg per year

O2 produced:     107 kg per year

Project Drivers

Social Impact


living wall encased in black surround

Contemporary design

The larger of the two living walls is at the entrance to the village, encased in a huge black frame which provides a stunning contrast to the bright pops of pink from the Dicentra Spectabilis (Asian bleeding-heart) and Phlox subulate (creeping phlox), overall giving a polished, contemporary finish.

livign wall as welcoming entrance to shopping village centre

Small touch

The second smaller wall is in the village itself and offers shoppers a brief respite in the busy centre.

smaller living wall in shopping centre