Client Background

Looking for a low-maintenance solution to transform the garden boundaries of his home, this homeowner needed something to provide colour, interest, and biodiversity without the regular gardening commitment.  Whilst not using the system for its original purpose, this unique idea highlights how the GrufeKit green roof system can be used in so many ways to bring greenery to a grey area

Featured Solutions

  • Sedum GrufeKit
  • Sedum & Wildflower GrufeKit

Size:     1m² - 25m²

Industry:     Residential

Project Drivers




DIY install

Having researched the systems available, the homeowner decided that the sedum and wildflower option seemed to offer an unrivalled variety of plant species and drought resilience, and the system itself was, in his words "manageable for me to handle myself but capable of providing seamless joins where I wished to have them."

View the GrufeKit range.

Our client's feedback speaks for itself: "Having installed the GrufeTiles in May 2019, I was not dissatisfied with them but found them a little unremarkable over their first summer season - the greens and reds of low-growing sedums appeared to dominate.  These did however provide welcome colour over the Winter."

"2020, by comparison, has been a revelation!  Through Spring and Summer one wildflower variety after another has come into bloom and then given way to another.  This has provided a constantly changing mosaic and a dense carpet on which bees busily clamber about.  I have found the display quite fascinating - and the plants have spread over the edges of the tiles, as I hoped, to create more natural-looking cushions of colour and life."

This has provided a constantly changing mosaic and a dense carpet on which bees busily clamber about.
