Client Background

Construction on this new Almacantar development started in March 2017, a large project consisting of 76 apartments and townhouses, of which 47 will be affordable homes, with landscaped courtyards, balconies and terraces.

Featured Solution

  • Viritopia Living Wall System (Exterior)

Size:     150m²

Carbon extracted:     195 kg per year

O2 produced:     255 kg per year

Project Drivers


Air Quality

expansive green living wall on construction site

7.5 trees

Working with Galliford Try, we designed, supplied and installed two evergreen living walls on a roof terrace, improving the air quality of the local area - one that is densely populated with high levels of harmful pollutants.  These living walls are the equivalent of 7.5 medium sized trees being planted in terms of carbon isolated!

living wall and tree on construction site