Client Background

Described as “an agile workplace designed to attract and retain talent”, the focus on this project, which is a part of the Glassfields masterplan in Bristol, was to create the best workplace for people to flourish.  Making the building designs all the more unique is the fact that they are not a regular shape, but are set at angles to allow for visual and physical connectivity, as according to architects AWW, this allows people to see further and therefore entices them through the site.

Featured Solution

  • Viritopia Living Wall System (Exterior)

Size:     76.5m²

Dust captured:     99.5 kg per year

O2 production:     130 kg per year

Project Drivers


Social Impact

looking up at the living wall and sky at glassfields in bristol

Contrasting facades

The living wall is part of one of the facades, adding a multisensory touch to the design and a welcome contrast to the brick.  Not only an impressive visual statement, the plant palette has been crafted to support local ecology and make the living wall an environmental asset to the local area.

living wall at glassfields bristol