Client Background

With a newly constructed family home, this homeowner in Warwsaw wanted to bring nature closer to the indoor living area, and so worked with our partners in Poland to create a living wall that wraps around the terrace.

Featured Solution

  • Viritopia Living Wall System (Exterior)

Size:     70m²

Certified Partner:     Green Systems, Poland

Project Drivers


vibrant green wall around an outdoor living area terrace with wood decking

Taste of Japan!

The client's brief involved creating a living wall design in the style of a Japanese garden, which our partner, Green Systems, in Poland worked with to create the beautiful vibrant green wall that surrounds the decking area today.

As the living wall system is modular and using soil as its foundation, we can be a lot more creative and flexible with design, as most plants are suitable to be planted in the modules, and we can work with patterns, shapes, or in this case, specific styles.

vibrant green living wall around a wood decking area