30 minutes + Q&A

Part of the 2021 CIEEM Conference

How about booking a private session for your team? Get in touch and let's discuss availability.

What you'll learn

Whilst soil at the foundation of green infrastructure is usually our primary focus, we’re going to take this time to highlight the other side of what’s behind long-term success: the plants.

The right plant selection is the other piece of the puzzle that together with soil, ensures longevity.  Considerations like aspect, elevation, client’s vision, purpose, climate and exposure are all important, but this is just the first layer of success.

There are two other layers to take your installation from just surviving to fulfilling a greater purpose in the long-term.  We draw on horticultural knowledge, experience on different projects and case studies to explore these three layers, looking at how plants hold a hugely important role in creating a long-term sustainable solution and fulfilling the true purpose of a greening scheme.