Chiswick Oasis Green Wall Evaluation

In 2017, St Mary’s Roman Catholic Primary School in Chiswick was listed among the most polluted schools in London, in an audit by the Mayor’s Office.

Located less than three metres from the six-lane A4, which carries an estimated 100,000 vehicles each day, the only protection for the school children and staff was a 3m high brick wall.  Before long, children weren't able to play in their playground due to the dangerous levels of pollution.

A year later, a group of parents led by Andrea Carnevali set out to tackle these issues and turn St Mary’s into a green oasis.

Now, children can play in their playground again, and air quality inside the school grounds and buildings has improved by up to 37%.  And there have been yet more benefits to the children's well-being and education on the environment.

This report, put together by Arup, shows the whole process, including the results and findings post-implementation.
