Did you know...

41.5% of industry professionals don’t know about the upcoming Biodiversity Net Gain requirements, and 30.8% are unclear.

90.8% of those surveyed are likely to use on-site installations instead of going the originally most popular route of off-setting.

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Get access to the latest guidance on Biodiversity Net Gain

(Approved by BRE, Defra and Natural England)

Get access to the latest guidance on Biodiversity Net Gain
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As an architect, I found the technical guide really useful as a reference for early design stages, to ensure we would be allowing sufficient depth for appropriate planting. I also appreciated the advice on the success of each type of infrastructure and the level of detail provided will allow us to have more informed conversations with our landscape architects or planting specialists about achieving biodiversity on our projects.

I will be sharing both guides internally, and pointing design teams to them in the future.

Rachel Hoolahan

Architect at Orms

Our guidance includes...

Guidance for metric 2.0 habitats

Demonstrating the difference in biodiversity between different designs and plant selections

Technical specification details for living roof & wall habitats

Technical specification details for brown roofs

A Full List of Metric 2.0 Urban Habitats

Comparing Vegetated Drainage Features

Advice for ensuring longevity

Get access to the latest guidance on Biodiversity Net Gain

Two best practice guides created in collaboration with AECOM.  Approved by BRE, Defra and Natural England.

  1. Using Urban Green Infrastructure to Achieve Biodiversity Net Gain
  2. Urban Green Infrastructure Technical Guide

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