Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been excitedly watching a pair of common blackbirds (Turdus merula) nesting on our nursery.  The birds have made their home in our living wall system without the aid of a nesting box.  

This is by no means the first time that we have discovered small songbirds making a home in our living walls. The foliage within a living wall can support the nest of small birds such as robins, tits and finches as well as slightly larger song bird’s blackbirds and thrushes. This offers a great way to reintroduce nature in urban areas and offers the chance to view nature at it's best whether for a school, shop or car park.  As cities become increasingly crowded and space is a premium, green areas get constantly reduced in size or removed altogether. This means loss of habitat for birds and as more than half of the world’s population lives in cities it is important that they have some connection with the natural world. The country has seen a 60% decrease in wildlife over the past 40 years making living walls one of the most important things we can do in urban areas.

If bird nesting is not desired, different foliage can be selected that will not support the weight of a nest.

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What Constitutes an Eco Green Roof?