Client Background

Installing a green roof on their new garden cabin was a natural decision for these environment-conscious homeowners

Featured Solutions

  • Sedum & Wildflower GrufeKit

Size:     1m² - 25m²

Industry:     Residential

Having read about and seen TV programmes on green roofs for many years and with growing concern about the changing climate, installing a green roof on their new garden cabin was a natural decision for these environment-conscious homeowners.

The Viritopia GrufeKit Green Roof System was selected by their carpenter and local builder for it's ease of installation, instant impact and low maintenance.

View the GrufeKit range.
garden cabin with a green roof

The finished piece

Since the installation of the Sedum and Wildflower GrufeTiles, the roof has only grown more beautiful as the different species have come and gone through the Spring and Summer seasons.  In their own words, the builder "loved putting on the sedum, it has since given us pleasure and family, friends and tradespeople all pass good comments".

garden cabin with wildflower green roof

A local builder built the cabin to my design and loved putting on the sedum
